MySQL Message Queue Cleanup
MySQL Message Queue Cleanup
All the times are in minutes. Use "0" if you want to skip automatic clearance.
Cron (Scheduled Tasks)
Cron (Scheduled Tasks)
For correct URLs generated during cron runs please make sure that Web > Secure and Unsecure Base URLs are explicitly set. All the times are in minutes.
Cron configuration options for group:index
Cron configuration options for group:index
Cron configuration options for group:default
Cron configuration options for group:default
Cron configuration options for group:consumers
Cron configuration options for group:consumers
Cron configuration options for group:ddg_automation_main
Cron configuration options for group:ddg_automation_main
Cron configuration options for group:ddg_automation_ac
Cron configuration options for group:ddg_automation_ac
Cron configuration options for group:ddg_automation_sms
Cron configuration options for group:ddg_automation_sms
Cron configuration options for group:yotpo_yotpo
Cron configuration options for group:yotpo_yotpo
Mail Sending Settings
Mail Sending Settings

For Windows server only.

Please enter at least 0 and at most 65535 (For Windows server only).

Jun 29, 2024 6:06:31 AM
Backup Settings
Backup Settings

Disabled by default for security reasons.

Please put your store into maintenance mode during backup.

Full Page Cache
Full Page Cache

Public content cache lifetime in seconds. If field is empty default value 86400 will be saved.

Varnish Configuration
Varnish Configuration

IPs access list separated with ',' that can purge Varnish configuration for config file generation. If field is empty default value localhost will be saved.

Specify backend host for config file generation. If field is empty default value localhost will be saved.

Specify backend port for config file generation. If field is empty default value 8080 will be saved.

Specify grace period in seconds for config file generation. If field is empty default value 300 will be saved. This grace period will be used to serve cached content when the server is healthy. If the server is not healthy, cached content will be served for 3 days before failing.

Bulk Actions
Bulk Actions
Storage Configuration for Media
Storage Configuration for Media

Warning! Database media storage will be ignored if remote storage is enabled.


After selecting a new media storage location, press the Synchronize button to transfer all media to that location and then "Save Config". Media will not be available in the new location until the synchronization process is complete.

Images Upload Configuration
Images Upload Configuration

Jpeg quality for resized images 1-100%.

Resize performed via javascript before file upload.

Maximum allowed width for uploaded image.

Maximum allowed height for uploaded image.

Media Gallery
Media Gallery Image Optimization
Adobe Stock Integration
Adobe Stock Integration

Configure an Adobe Stock account on to get the API Key (Client ID) and Client Secret. You will not be able to use the integration without both the API Key and Client Secret.